More than Superheroes

The Flash and Time Travel

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could travel back in time and see some of the great historical events? You could be an eye witness of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. You could see the Egyptian Pyramids as they were being built. Perhaps you would like to travel to the future and see how events are going to turn out. Who will you marry? What will your kids and grandkids be like? Will the Milwaukee Brewers ever win a World Series? It would be nice to know what is going to happen just like it would be amazing to see historic events that have already happened.

Many Science Fiction stories make use of Time Travel. The Back to the Future movies are about Marty McFly and Emmett Brown traveling through time in their DeLorean. If I remember right, the DeLorean had to achieve a speed of 88 miles per hour before it could break the Time barrier. In other stories, speed is a factor in breaking through time. In Star Trek 4 they have to fly at their highest warp speed and slingshot around the sun to travel through time. In the first Superman movie, he has to fly as fast as he can around the earth to reverse time. Naturally, for the Flash, the Fastest Man Alive, he also has to travel at a high speed in order to travel through time.

The logistics of how he travels through time are not that important. It is simply explained by his speed. The better focus is the question of why. Why does Barry Allen travel through time? There have been a few times that Barry has time traveled. The most significant times revolve around the greatest tragedy in his life. When he was a child, his mother was murdered in front of him. The Reverse Flash had traveled through time and killed his mother. Barry thought about changing that event but stopped himself once because he realized that changing that event in his life would change every event that followed after. He could not predict how that would change his life.

Then, in a low moment in his life, he changed his mind. He selfishly wanted the happiness of having his mother back. He went back in time and saved her. It did change his life. He was happy for a time but it created an alternate timeline that is referred to as Flashpoint. We can certainly understand where Barry is coming from. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could change past events in our life? What if we could prevent tragedies? Wouldn’t it be great if we could go back in time and prevent a car accident? What if we could stop ourselves from saying those terrible words we said which destroyed a friendship? What if we could stop ourselves or others from sinning?

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Our God is so powerful that he will not let anything change his plans. He plans to bring his people home to heaven. He plans to work faith in the hearts of his people. Could someone travel in time and stop Jesus from dying on the cross? No! God would never allow that to happen. Could someone travel in time and stop a single person from committing a single sin? I don’t think so. Think about it like this. When a sin occurs it is paid for by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. If somehow, that one sin is removed from the timeline, then Jesus didn’t need to die for that sin. So in one timeline he died for the sin and in another timeline he didn’t. I am going to stop thinking about that before I get a headache.

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” In my opinion, this truth about the Savior speaks against Time Travel. The paradox of Time Travel is the idea that multiple timelines will be created where different events happen in each timeline. In that case, how would Jesus ever be the same yesterday and today and forever. Events would always be in flux. If there weren’t multiple timelines then the world around us would always be changing and we just wouldn’t be realizing it (I think I feel another headache coming).  My belief is that our Jesus who is always the same is keeping the timeline of events secure and he is doing so to make sure that his saving plan is carried out.

Time Travel does create an interesting storytelling device. It creates all kinds of questions about cause and effect and it creates opportunities for characters to undo certain events. In the Flash TV series, Barry decides that it was right for the ultimate Timeline for his mother to die. In season 3 this choice sets things back to how they were before, but not exactly. We are discovering that there are consequences to messing with the Timeline. Things are similar yet different. I give thanks that Jesus is in control of this life and that he does not change. He saved me from all my sins. Yes, it would be nice to undo my sins. And yet, that is what Christ has done for me. Through the cross, he has taken away my sins.  

Flash History

The Flashpoint Comic event was a huge event in DC Comics back in 2011. It has the same idea as the TV Show. What would happen if Barry saved his Mom? The comic event created a world that was incredibly different from what we saw on TV. In the comic, Superman was never raised by the Kents in Kansas. Rather he was imprisoned when he got to earth. Bruce Wayne’s parents weren’t killed by a robber. Bruce was. Wonder Woman leads her people to war against Aquaman’s people. This comic is a great event and should be read by every DC Comic fan. In my opinion, the ending is one of the best endings to any event.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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